Breaking Down Barriers Training for Dance Professionals
Co-delivered by 1 Dance Artist & 1 Dance Leader.
Breaking Down Barriers explores DanceSyndrome’s approach to inclusivity. We will look at barriers people with learning disabilities may face and explore how we can break down some of these barriers in the dance studio.
Who is the workshop for?
- Dancers in training/education
- Community Dance Artists
- Dance Teachers in traditional dance settings
What does the workshop explore?
- What is a learning disability and the different models of disability
- The types of barriers people with learning disabilities may face on an everyday basis including;
- Attitudinal barriers
- Physical / environmental barriers
- Information / communication barriers
How DanceSyndrome removes some of these barriers in their settings exploring:
- Verbal/non – verbal communication; use of language; adaptation; the importance of the individual.
- Access; time; equity; psychological safety & creating a safe space.
- How we can all break down barriers in our own setting.
How is the workshop delivered?
The course is delivered through a combination of discussion, videos and practical activities.
What will workshop participants take away?
- Greater awareness of the barriers that people with additional needs may face.
- An increased knowledge and understanding of how people with additional needs may feel.
- In settings that are not inclusive and where to start thinking about how to break down some of these barriers.
- An action plan for how to break down barriers that might exist in their own settings
- A list of useful resources for further reading or exploration of the topics covered